A collection of lyric poems, with the favourite AIRS set to them.

As performed by Mr. Vernon, Mrs. Weichsell and Miss Brent at VAUX-HALL. with the NEW CANTATA, call'd Love and Resentment, sung by Miss Brent. Compos'd by Dr. Arne.

Printed for the AUTHOR and sold at PEARCE'S CHINA SHOP, in the PIAZZA, next KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, at VAUXHALL, and at the MUSIC SHOPS. N.B. This Book of Lyric Poems which (to render it a plasing Summer Amusement) contains the voice part, thorough-bass & proper violin accompnaiments of the music to each poem, is justly enter'd as a book of poems at Stationer's Hall, according to Act of Parliament, and whoever attempts to print or copy for sale any part hereof may depend on being immediately prosecuted as the law directs.